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Old August 26th, 2013, 18:40   #1330
Whiny Attention Whore
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Acton, On
[QUOTE=Mr. Gruntsworthy;1825536]1) When you get lit up after calling your hit repeatedly (even displaying your red kill rag).
2) Negative attitude towards new players

Ive gotten this already, And ive only just started the Hobby.

My peeves:
-ASC members with "0" sense of humor.
Im 35 with 3 kids,Wife,Morgage. If I didn't know how too laugh at the small things, My Toy airsoft guns would be real.
-Players Not calling Hit.
I hit a guy at the Gibson 4 times in semi, Then called him out on it, He still said no Hit. With a witness.
If you think Airsoft Costs too much, Try completive Paintball.
With 18 Years of Paintball under my belt, Airsoft is almost free in my books.

That's it for now, I am new and all.
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