If you're looking for an AKS-74U, go with either LCT or DBoys. Stay away from CYMA because, eventhough the gearbox is decent, the externals are not nearly as nice as LCT or DBoys.
LCT is the best of the best right now, but DBoys is a close second if you get a full steel model. Unfortunatley, it's not as nice of a finish as the LCT because they give it a finish that looks like truck bed liner, but it will stand up to way more punishment and age way better than a CYMA.
Either way, no matter what kind of AKS-74U you grab, you'll need to tinker with the gearbox, so the fact that the DBOYS has a "lesser" gearbox than the CYMA, the externals will more than make up for it in my book.
Another drawback of the DBoys though is that you'll have to use either Dboys mags, or mod other brands slightly to fit. Just a little work with a file on the mag, but just something else to watch out for.
If you can afford it, go LCT. If money's tight, go DBoys.
Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper
Awesome man, appreciate the info. I intend on using this outdoors as I already have a beast of an indoor gun (switch the spring as needed). I just want an AK that strokes the Battlefield nerd inside of me and tears new assholes. I think I am decided. Again, thanks for the info, I'm going to start looking.