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Old August 5th, 2013, 13:24   #7
a.k.a. Egria
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Vancouver

Aug 5, 2013

This past weekend I attended OP Art of War, which was a 30 hour Battlesim (Milsim) game hosted my BB Bastard.

The week before I headed out to the game, C3sk (aka Chris), installed the new silicone hopup nub that FCC came out with. All I can say is that it's f*cking awesome. The stiffer material they used greatly improved accuracy at longer ranges and my 416 basically became a laser. It took a few minutes to dial in my sights and I was good to go.

During the game I only fired about 500 rounds. Not much, but I'm usually plagued with problems on game day with my guns. However, no problems what so ever. I was actually a little disappointed that I didn't get to run my MP7.

I've owned quite of few guns since I started playing airsoft back in 2005 and I have always had to do some sort of constant maintenance on all of the guns in order for them to be operational. However, I must say that this FCC 416 has required the least amount of maintenance since I have got it back in January 2013.

All I have done with this gun is break in the hopup and one good cleaning of all the parts (inner barrel, cylinder and gearbox).

I'm very much a happy customer and I stand behind this product. But when/if this gun does go down a full report will be written up.

Until then, feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

Happy hunting


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Last edited by -Trooper-; August 8th, 2013 at 14:51..
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