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Old August 4th, 2013, 15:19   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Montreal
Problem with Modify gearbox

Hi ASC community,

I just bought a Modify Torus gearbox from and instal it in my custom M4 (use a G&P body, some madbull parts and a mixt of CA and SRC for the other internal parts).
There is my problem:
First I shim the gear, all look's to be correct I assemble the gearbox, but when I pull the trigger all jam and after some try the fuse blow up.
I ask a frien who use the same gearbox and he tell me he has a lot of problem to install it and shim it correcly. He has tried different gear set to find one that work correcly and shim it.
So I try again and reduce the shim, screw the gearbox to be sure shimming is perfect. It's now "work" better, but jam when the piston is back and after some try the fuse blow up.
I tried to remove all shim from the gear, juste to test it, and assemble it again. Now it work, complete the cycle, BUT it sound really bad, like a bad motor ajustment (I tried to ajust it, but never get better). A little grinding sound.
So there I don't know what to do. It's pretty hard to shim and when it's look good in shimming, the AEG don't work proprelly, without shim it work but badly. I don't know if someone had the same trouble or if someone has a solution (maybe a special gear set for this gearbox) or i don't know.
If it's continue on this way, I'll try to find a good guntech near Montréal, maybe he will be able to find a solution.

Thanks a lot
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