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Old July 27th, 2013, 18:22   #4
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Join Date: Feb 2007
the asc spring chart is based on a fully upgraded P90 so it's a perfect reference
Things that affect a spring's final FPS; tightbore 5-15fps, piston head bearing 5fps, spring guide bearing 5fps

The cylinder porting makes no real difference to fps as long as it's the right length for your barrel.
The only piston mod that would affect fps is cutting a ton of holes in it, but not by much anyway.
You're almost SOL for 365fps, only spring I know of that does that is the systema M100 but they're prone to failure.
M110s are typically 370-385 and M100s typically 340-350
I'd say you best best is a prometheus MS110, it'll be in the 375-385 range depending on what's on your gun
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