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Old July 27th, 2013, 03:28   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Medicine Hat, alberta
Scratch built airsoft guns Thread.

Hey, Ive seen alot of scratch built guns on ASC and on other websites from around the globe. Im fascinated by some of the custom builds when they are of guns that arent built by normal manufacturers or are not commonly seen guns. Be it a gun built using the body and or other parts from various guns or if its completely scratch built from the ground up with CNC custom machining. Im hoping to start a thread which where i can collect all the links and videos and pictures of peoples custom built guns and create a thread for all who are interested in such things to enjoy. And hopefully people can contribute their finds here for all to see.

Ill start with posting a link to a custom made HK GMG (grenade machine gun) which would be the equivelent of the US MK19. Its from a french airsoft site, so i cant even understand what they are talking about but i really enjoyed the build pictures.
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