Originally Posted by mcguyver
Joseph, that crud is not rust, just some lubricant of some sort.
That lubricant looks like some kind of petrochemical / oil. I would recommend you massage that out and put in something proper.
Originally Posted by mcguyver
No, even more horrific and unbelievable than that.
A Systema gearbox. In an FCC 416. Dread. Truly, dread.
I am surprised that you didnt just do that already considering how many new guns you mcguyvered together last week. Give me a ring if you are going to order a new gearbox, I'm also looking for a boneyard box to restore for my 3rd PTW if I end up with a new gearbox from factory i'm just as happy.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Someone in wpg is getting an FCC mechbox (hopefully before september), I'm gonna see if I can take a peek at it and see if it has the same gear lash issue.
I would be interested to find out if they put the axle/bearing slots in the gearbox shell in the right place or if their gears are off-spec or supposed to be large due to the placement difference in those holes. Do you have the tools to take those measurements?
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
Originally Posted by mcguyver
it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
WANTED PTW Receiver PRIME, STG, Factory