I don't know what or who you intend to shoot with some .28 at 400 fps, but honestly, you are shopping for a punch (or two) in the face...
I don't know a field that will allow you to shoot that hot, even outside... most, if not all the fieds will allow 400fps MAX on .20... Unless you want to hurt and injure the guys playing (and I insist on playing, because it's only a game... not real war...) on the other side, just remove that idea from your mind...
Besides, would you be happy to receive 10-15 bbs, using that velocity, in your face? Because my guess is you play full auto... and guess what? usually when a BB hits something, the 10 that follow will hit almost at the same spot... plus imagine if you shoot someone (let's say accidentally) at close range...
What makes a gun a great gun is not the FPS, it's the precision, consistency and range... I own some guns that are shooting 350 fps (and even lower than that) with .20g bbs, damn staight and far... but I paid for the quality...
That's just my personnal opinion... you do what you want... but...