Hey guys picked this little baby up today, not going to bother will more than one picture because you all know what they look like. I had an itch to get a TM MEU 1911 so I went and got one. Right out of the box it is a naildriver I was hitting targets dead on a good 8 feet away. It is a plastic construction but unless you touched it you would not know it was plastic. Pretty hefty considering the plastic, however if you take off the grips there are weights inside the grips which make up for a lot of the weight. Doesn't matter as I am not planning to change the grips. There is some stuff that I want to do to it, and as funds become avalible then I will be proceeding with my build, putting money into my vehicles comes first but like I said when money becomes available then this will be a sweet pistol. Below is what I want to do to it.
NOVA MEU or NOVA Kimber Warrior FM kit (havent made up my mind yet, if I win the lottery then I am doing both

Extended 40rd mags
VFC1911 Tac Light
PDI 6.03 Tightbore barrel
NineBall Hop
One issue I have had already is that my KJW meu mags will not fit into the TM pistol. They go 'all' the way up, or at least far enough that the follower will engage the slide to lockback, but the mag release buttom will not sit flush with the frame. Not really sure what the deal is with this, maybe the mags are a wee bit bigger than standard TM mags. Keep in mind the KJW version accepts larger C02 mags as well so the mag port is bevelled to allow the C02 cartridge to fit. Maybe that has something to do with it, but idk. No matter for me anyway as the KJ mags are junk. Keep this in mind if you want to run KJ mags.
Also I bought a new car last September so you can see where my money is going if you are interested. It is my first car and it is my gurl. It is a 2005 Ford Crown Victoria LX Sport, you can read up about it at the car club I am part of here: