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Old July 4th, 2013, 12:22   #338
ShelledPants's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Toronto, On
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
The great advantage to lasers on deadly weapons, is you're generally not concerned about their eyesight lol
This coming from a guy who ran/runs a green laser at games?

Originally Posted by Deltastone View Post
I don't understand your statement exactly. With the thermal overlay you can turn it off, or just turn it down so that it is not interfering with the intensified image. If you are moseying along and just so happen to see a thermal signature of a person you would not otherwise have seen, well, it has served exactly the purpose it was designed for.

There are obvious advantages to each technology(thermal / night vision) over the other but a COTI type system is meant to augment and compliment your night vision. It's not meant to replace the other technology. The only real draw back to these units are their adding of weight to your set up, that it is yet another thing constantly eating up your batteries, and their fairly high cost.
Agreed. It definitely has it's place. Is it COST EFFECTIVE for airsoft? Hell no. But for LEO and MIL absolutely. Any advantage you have is one more stacked in your favor, a fair fight is a dumb fight... etc.

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Last edited by ShelledPants; July 4th, 2013 at 12:25..
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