First - We’d like to apologize to those who have had a less than perfect experience with us.
We understand the frustration and lack communication only adds to that – It’s been identified by us, we hear you, and have put policies in place for all staff to address concerns and questions in a timelier manner.
IggysPiggy – This situation was unfortunate and happened during a time when FCC was creating a new distribution channel with retailers resulting in our shipments being held and stock allocated to new FCC dealers in Canada.
Future orders of FCC product will be processed in a more timely fashion now that we have new pricing and communicate with them regularly.
Zigzwag – We recall your situation very well and can remember working to resolve this as quickly as possible. If you recall this issue goes back to QA with RedWolf and no inspection done on our end due to the packaging the Barrett comes in. RW resolved this matter in which they compensated you. You held us accountable and we held them.
Spartan117 –We apologize for lack of communication and actually used your situation to hire a second technician who performs QA on all guns as they arrive to our warehouse before going out to customers.
Our goal is to provide the best customer experience possible on every level and can see we fell short of that. We’ve created policies and training programs for staff to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding how our customers should be treated and valued.
We appreciate the feedback and take accountability for the issues mentioned. If you have any other comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to contact us at or PM us.
Admins - Please move this thread to the Retailer Resolution section.