Thread: xm shell issues
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Old June 22nd, 2013, 13:27   #1
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xm shell issues

Hey folks,

I am wondering if anyone could help me out with an issue I'm having with my madbull xm shells specifically the beautiful little cherry shells.

I have cleaned and lubed all parts of the shells, and have triple checked to make sure all bearings are in place. I have even swapped the "plunger" from a repair kit I had bought with them.

Plunger: the silver piece that acts as the firing mechanism in the rear section of the shell. It also is the mechanism you need to press in to reset the shell.

The issue:

After reassembling they operate flawlessly once; but once I need to reset them the "plunger" sticks and is near impossible to push in to reset after unscrewing them. I have tore them down and tried to clean and lube it, but it doesn't help.

I hope I am concise enough to make this clear and understandable. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Ps: These shells are outstanding and absolutely love gaming them!
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