Thread: Blue Guns
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Old June 12th, 2013, 19:25   #25
Spartan_Red's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Brantford
Originally Posted by Armyissue View Post
There's a good chance that a lot of things are not a good Idea for Scott_911
Like joining a Airsoft Forum and Necro a 3 year dormant thread that's letting us know he's writing his MP?!
+1, and I'd be pissed if some random dude was running round an event attempting to disarm me and my buddies.

An mp is not going to know anything about firearm related law. The mp will call your local police department. The local police department will tell you it's fine as long as you don't brandish or hold it out as a weapon. It is not a weapon unless you pistol whip someone with it (blunt force). It's not capable of firing and there is no moving parts. That doesn't change whatever colour it may be. Although I would not recommend practicing holstering and unholstering in public. You would look ridiculous.
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