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Old June 10th, 2013, 22:52   #9
formerly steyr
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
I recommend you don't change the gears. If you must, SHS. Definitely not Guarder. Also, with a strong enough motor, there is no reason at all to get any sort of torque-up gears.
Magnum motors are extremely inefficient, I'd say either grab a SHS high torque or Lonex A1/A2.
Don't cheap out on your tightbore. PDI 6.05 or Prometheus 6.03 is what I recommend.
Changing your hop-up rubber will make the biggest difference on groupings and range. PDI W-hold is more or less the best option for traditional rubbers, but R-hops are where its at for range and accuracy.
Admin - Winnipeg Airsoft
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