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Old June 7th, 2013, 11:07   #10
Zack The Ripper
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Exactly the info I was looking for. I think I'm taking the GBBR plunge.

Well the reason I was saying RS for the EOTech is because most of the repros aren't shock proof. However, you should refer me to the exact model you got. As long as it holds zero I'm happy with that. You say you ran it for awhile, ha e you upgraded to RS or another sight at this time?

I'll probably go with the CQB-R, 10.5" outer with a 9.5" DD RIS. Not sure which irons i will go with yet, definitely want a green laser PEQ-15 (more for looks, as lasers cant be used most places). I was thinking maybe about using a SureFire tac light/fore grip combo (cant remember the model name off the top of my dome), but am not sold on that idea yet as they are rather large for my liking.

With the Mod 0 is it a necessity to get a new gas block, or will this not be necessary? I have only dealt with my mid-length custom MOE carbine, my SCAR-L and for a short time my old AK, so this is new territory for me. The LMT crane stock is my likely candidate as well; I wanna be OAF and band some chem lights on either side.

Any of you have pictures of any of your existing Mk18s just for me to schmooze over and use as reference points? (I promise I won't totally rip off your image)
Guardians of Asgaard
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