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Old June 6th, 2013, 22:32   #1
Zack The Ripper
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MK18 Testing Waters

So, I have decided that my next project piece is going to be a Mk18. Really like the look and versatility of the platform.

Kinda stuck between going the GBB route or sticking to AEG. I guess I figured I would leave this as an open discussion for anyone who owns/runs either platform. Just looking for opinions on the best starting place for either (I know for GBBR, WE is likely the best candidate, unsure about the AEG though).

I know a GBBR platform would definitely be the more expensive route, especially with the cost of mags and likely having to get a true EOTech instead of a repro (I have decided that want to run a holo sight on it). I already have a good idea of what I would get if going the GBB route, so I would like to know what the Mk18 savvy people on here have to say with regards to their starting platforms for an AEG and how they built onto it.

However, as this is a project that will take a little while to put together, I am still very open to going GBB. I probably won't start the build until the fall, and thus I am just in the research phase at the moment.

Let the opinions/discussions fly.
Guardians of Asgaard
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