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Old June 6th, 2013, 11:07   #230
Zack The Ripper
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Appreciate the info. I actually got an answer from somebody with "insider info" on the subject. Has to do with many of the C8SFWs simply being handed to soldiers/operators in that configuration and some guys simply prefering to use them in that fashion, co-witnessing sights, personal preference, the list goes on. I was also told that many CSOR/JTF members carry two different uppers for their platforms; CQB and mid/long length uppers for operational needs and both are configured to the operators personal preference, although that part is pretty common for any operator to do. Ultimately the configuration is personal preference in the end. Learn something new every day.

The older, non-removable, carry handle thing makes perfect sense though. I have seen some photos of those older model ARs with an EOTech mounted on top of the carry handle. Seeing THAT made my head hurt. These weren't photos of operators though, at least I don't think so.
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