Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC
I've always been rather curious why a lot of the C8SFWs are setup with the carry handle on the rear top rail and EoTech on the forward RAS. Any specific reasoning aside from co-witnessing with the iron sights?
Take note that some of the older uppers had integrated carrying handle sights. Im guessing without the availability of flat top railed uppers, they used what they had, mounting their eotechs further forward onto the RAS which were available.
Whether or not these uppers are still in service, im not too sure of (too lazy to comb through all the different pictures) but what we can be quite certain of is that the practice certainly outlived it's necessity. Why? Faster target acquisition. The further up your mount your reddot/holosight, the faster/easier it is for you to pick up and track that reticule and place it on target.
Even without the carrying handle, it seems this practice of forward mounted eotechs has trickled into other units like the CSOR