Originally Posted by -=ArchAngel=-
Has anyone seen pics of the CSOR guys at the Jordan Warrior Competition? I remember seeing a super low res pic somewhere, but i totally forget where.
found it. Grabbed from gearsoc. Does anyone else think the guy, second from the back is wearing an RRV?
i've also seen this photo floating around else where. Seen it on an online newpaper. Not sure what the source is though.
edit 2: found another source of the pic. Source seems to be CSOR Imaging.
On another note, has anyone seen/hear anything about the use/testing of 416 uppers? A guy on devtsix claims to have seen a picture of an 416 upper on a c8 lower. But the dude hasnt replied.
In this picture is not clear, but there
http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o...ife/610x-1.jpg is clearly visible RRV