I purchased another Magpul MOE stock in milspec on the weekend. Just in case anyone is wondering, I have several Magpul stocks, some civi, some milspec. This most recent stock fits exactly the same way the last one did, tighter than a bull's ass at fly time. Now, I turn a screwdriver for a living, I can generate alot of force in a controlled manner when I need things to move, it is what I do. But holy hell, you need to be in great physical shape to use that stock.
This is an issue that extends to all FCC buffer tubes, anyone who says different is trying to sell you something. I personally have two of them and have installed a few more over the last year, and everyone has been the same. They are not milspec.
In fact, of the sampling of three that I just measured, they range from 1.149-1.158 inches along the length of the buffer. Milspec needs to be a max of 1.150, where civi need to be a max of 1.170", with nice operation being slightly smaller than the maximum. On the three FCC buffer tubes, none was under 1.150" over their length, and the two newest ones did not dip below 1.150" at any time. The surface finish on the newest one is rougher than on the oldest which has had alot of cycles in-out of the stock (I know some of you like in-out, so I'll toss out the first BAHAHAHA!!!). It would appear that the more in-out cycles of the stock, the closer it gets to the max. 1.150", but still not below, leaving operation tough.
Pump that stock lots, and it may loosen up.
Buy civi spec.
Buy an airsoft stock that falls somewhere in between.
As a comparison, factory Systema stock ranges between 1.164"-1.167", and at no time hits 1.170". Perfect for a civi stock, no good for milspec. The stock has to be one or the other. If it is slightly too tight for milspec, it will have wobble with a civi stock. True milspec will be universal, so long as you don't mind a little wobble with your civi stock.
Age verifier Northern Alberta
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.
Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.
Never confuse freedom with democracy.