Originally Posted by Stealth
Regarding issue #2, what hop up rubber are you using?
Also, how tight of a fit is it between the rubber and the unit? If you need to force the unit onto the barrel, it may deform the rubber and stretch/bunch up the feed lips.
Unfortunately, if its too loose you get air leaks. You need a balance, floss, or Teflon tape.
For # 1, I tried putting back the Lonex tappet plate for fun just in case it wasn't the issue, but I got the feeding problem right away again.
Like you said, compared side by side, it is about a mm further away where it touches the sector gear. (It is actually the same length, but the triangle part is smaller... I use a sector delay clip and it still didn't fix it, so I went back to my modified tappet plate).
- The review you made on the Lonex Gearbox said there was a metal sector delay clip installed on new ones, I guess mine is part of the older stock? No big deal, since I prefer the plastic ones (have some in my *toolbox* anyways).
#2, ya I'm thinking maybe it's my rubber... Last night I got it working with one of my plastic hop-up units. But realised it was super late and had to sleep since I go to work early

- Was using a modify hop-up rubber (two ribs, took out the mound). The lips looked round when using a flashlight to see, but maybe it got pushed/moved when. Should be an easy fix, worst case I have a big supply of hard Guarder rubbers to use lol... (Used the modify rubber since it felt nicer, and I don't have many soft Guarders available

- The rubber fit onto the barrel is pretty snug (Prommy bears are pretty thick to begin with compared to stuff like Madbull barrels I think), so might have got twisted/moved... I try not to use too much grease when sliding it into the hopup unit with it on T_T
*Will try re-positioning hopup rubber first

, hopefully it's not the positioning of the hopup unit in the body
