Ok, I'm posting a reply to this instead of editting my previous post because I want this brought to people's attention and not fall by the wayside with a simple edit.
If you break your lever on your switch, buy the switch I outlined above. BUT, DO NOT USE IT!!!!! I went through two of them and after a few shots the contacts siezed (welded together) and saw on the package that they are rated for 15A@125VAC, and 1/4A@125VDC. Since we're dealing with DC, and we fuse for 15A+, having a rating of 1/4A really doesn't do crap.
So, since I am the first that has successfully done this, at least in Canada, chances are the entire world, here is what you do. Take a drill with a drill bit bigger than the end of the rivet holding the swtich assembly together. Drill it out, remove the rivet, then use a small screwdriver to pry the two halves apart, enough to remove the steel lever. The base of it is identical to the stock supplied one. Drill out the rivet on the supplied switch, separate it and swap the new lever for the broken on. you do NOT need to take the mechbox apart, just undo the two screws holding the switch in the mechbox and pull the switch out the bottom. Make sure you put the connectors in the same place you took them from, the battery wire goes to the top (Com) and the wire that goes to the motor goes to the NO (Normally Open) tab (if you accidentally put it on the NC, Normally Closed tab, the gun will fire until you pull the trigger, where it will stop til you release it.)
Reassemble, all should be good. Make sure you bend the lever so that the end of it is nowhere near the sector gear, else it'll grab and bend your lever, fucking your gun & fuse good.