Now, I don't consider my 416 to be a lemon. Of the faults/issues I found, some on both the complete rifle and the kit, the ones that are systemic (all FCC rifles share this, unless radical changes have occurred very recently) are:
The construction of the motor
The MOE grip, and I have used this on several other guns to date
After consultations with several FCC customers who have contacted me after I posted up my thoughts, the following also seem to be present in their products as well:
Poor hopup
Poor QC on "fluff and buff" fit and finish
It should be noted that I covered some issues, yes. This does not mean that these 100% of all issues present, just that this is all I have found to date. It also means that as of this date, everything else is 100% fine until, and if, I determine otherwise at a future date.
But, my analysis still stands. For $2920, I should not be finding any issues, and the issues that I did find are easily correctable at the factory with minimal cost in materials or effort at the manufacturing level. They should not have been allowed to creep into a rifle in this price range or with the performance demanded by users willing to pay it.
Age verifier Northern Alberta
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.
Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.
Never confuse freedom with democracy.
Last edited by mcguyver; May 22nd, 2013 at 14:00..