I originally got into sniping because I was tired of going through 10 or 15 dollars worth of bbs every game. (I had a long drive to the games) I bought a tsd L96, and let me tell you something for free, even a cheap wallmart gun would have been more accurate. However, after all the ugrades, (barrel,pdi hopup unit, hop up bucking, piston, piston head etc, etc,) it was shooting real nice with .30 bbs. I was addicted. However, I was also probably 500-600 dollars poorer. Then I bought the guile suit and good side arm... Using more bbs would have been a much cheaper route! When the weather is calm, I still do like to break out the sniper. Its really satisfying getting some of those hard earned kills, and it's load of fun having such a silent gun! Do not, however, ever think for even a second that because you have a sniper with a scope you will ever be at much if any advantage over your opponent. I fully agree with whats been said, start off with an aeg. You will be amazed how much fun it is to ninja around attacking and retreating too!