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Old May 20th, 2013, 14:43   #8
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Your problem has nothing to do with anything that is mentioned above.

Your hop up just isn't sticky enough to hold your rounds in place anymore, it's as simple as that. When your slide returns to battery, the force of it stripping the round off the mag and punching it in to the chamber is enough force to push it past the retaining edge in the hop up rubber. Thus, it just rolls out.

Either your rubber is worn, or it's just overlubed with too much silicone oil. Try soaking it in dish detergent (Sunlight is great... don't use Palmolive or anything that has lotion or some sort of moisturizer in it.) Hopefully that's enough to strip out any oil that it's sucked up, and make it sticky again.

If that doesn't work, then tons of different hop up rubbers are available that will fix it, or even improve your hop up.

If you have a metal slide with and enhanced recoil spring, this generally increases the likelihood of this problem starting, because the return speed of the slide carries much more force.
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