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Old May 19th, 2013, 23:29   #6
galabriath's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Hey folks, didn't expect so many replies so fast. Thank you! I definitely should be trying these things on. I'll post a photo of my head tomorrow after work so you can see the positioning of the device. It is not water proof, unfortunately. It is fairly prone to knocking off... I'd have to clip it to a lanyard in case of falling, and it definitely cannot take a round. Because of that, I have been using my 10 year old hearing aid. My issue is that the sound quality is so diminished that I play way less effectively than I could. The bike helmet idea seems good, but I might feel/look like a tool. Perhaps a little custom work could change that. The MICH helmet with the flare for the headset seems like the best option if the flare goes up high enough. Are there any replica helmets of this type in a more affordable price range? I can't justify a $300 helmet at this point - school is expensive! Again, thanks. I'll have to hitch a ride to a city near me for some headgear testing.

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Last edited by galabriath; May 19th, 2013 at 23:32..
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