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Old May 15th, 2013, 13:57   #2
ShelledPants's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Toronto, On
I have shot with younger kids. I even lead a bunch of them for the last LZ game. I don't have a problem with the kids, on a personal level, most of the time: The problem comes with the legal association with shooting at a minor.

If I took that kids eye out because his goggles had failed, I would feel horrible, knowing he was not of the age of consent to play (regardless of parent's permission).

Secondly, I don't have two settings while playing, I don't have "kid friendly mode". There are some things you shouldn't say / do around kids which is 100% fine as an adult (insert chuckles, but seriously).

I think these are the two main sources of troubles with shooting with kids, other than maturity issues, that a lot of people face.

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