Originally Posted by RY725
How about wait longer than 24hrs
Super constructive. Thanks ummm whatever your name is.
Originally Posted by Nickaayyy
If I remember its only some laser etching ( when I've checked photo for mine). Pretty sure you can ask directly the guys makes the marking, 416 are pretty popular so I wont be suprised he know how the real one is made.
Originally Posted by Creoden
from what I've seen, the SAFE/SEMI/AUTO is deep laser engraved, and the actual trades are laser etched in to the lower after the lower is painted.
If you get it laser etched it wont "rub off" as you have removed material from the lower to create the trades, if you had trades rub off, it was either just laser etched in to the paint and not all the way to the metal, or it was just painted on.
Thanks guys, yeah i figured it was just laser etching by the look of it and also agreed the trades that rub off are just poorly done either painted or poorly etched.