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Old May 8th, 2013, 12:32   #10
NANA's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Whitby, Ontario.
sorry for jacking the thread.

Thanks for the review.

We are a skirmish field at the moment. We are a new field and are planning on going the way of the milsim, just not ready yet.

We are a newb friendly place. We have many new players every week most are ex-paintballers who want to play a big boy game. The down time between games does get a little long when we dont stay on top of things. We learn more every week, we get better every week and are always open to comments or concerns. Keep it constructive please.

We do the best we can with what we have, the games get bigger and better every week.

I hope you all get a chance to enjoy our little slice of paradise.

We are working on a saturday milsim games. They will be posted on ASC. stay tuned for more info.
Play with Honor. Call your hits.

Nothing just happens, You always have to strive...
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