I ahev spoken to Chris about it. I have not spoken to FCC. I don't expect that I ever would. I never spoke to Kumi neither, not like she would have cared really anyways. But that doesn't mean FCC can't listen to what I have said and contact me if they need more info.
I was pretty thorough with this gun, but there is more to come. I have not openned the gearbox yet, but it is going to happen.
These issues are mainly small. There are a couple that could become huge if the circumstances were right, or time and tide take their toll. None of them are difficult to remedy at the manufacturing stage, some are tolerance issues, some are simply QC.
I may even try to game the 416 this week. Then I will have a feel for performance.
Age verifier Northern Alberta
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.
Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.
Never confuse freedom with democracy.