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Old May 6th, 2013, 12:39   #186
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
And I am 150% certain nobody has looked at these rifles from the perspective I approach them with.
^^^ THIS ^^^ is exactly where I am seeing the disparity in the opinion of quality of the product in this thread.

Not to say your opinion is invalid, Jay, but I know Brad scrutinizes his products down to the detail outside before usability takes place... as well as after. Whereas I know for yourself, as well as 99% of other users out there, they only care about the product working as it should - particularly since I know you beat your guns pretty hard.

As a service guy and builder myself, I can totally see where Brad is coming from. I have not fully molested an FCC rifle inside and out, but have worked on my PTW extensively, and have been in agreement with Brad's findings, always.

Anyways, my point is simply to say, that neither of you are wrong, and Jay, you should try and see where Brad is coming from as well. It really can help to create a better product at the end of the day, especially when the opinion comes from someone who has dozens of these products go through his hands each year. There is loyalty, and then there is taking constructive criticism when it's offered. This is the best kind of advice/criticism that any product/service provider can receive, as it is positive.
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