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Old April 30th, 2013, 19:17   #177
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Mine came from Chris at DTT, along wth all the parts and the kit.

I had a thought this afternoon. I am wondering, since these guns sat at Customs for several months, if the CBSA/RCMP did an inspection on it. The rail retainer pin uses a a flat "+" shaped driver, and I notice mine had been installed with a flatblade as it had marks from where the screwdriver cammed out. I had to use one to remove it, and that os what I noticed. If the Firearms tech disassembled the gun, it mit explain a couple things. But that doesn't explain the kit issues, nor things like the missing faux pin, or the grip end, which has been a noted issue since last summer.

Regardless, this an issue I will have to fix, as sending a gun out to Chris to fix or back to FCC is not necessary when I can do the work myself. My biggest bitch is that I should not have to.

Now, temper this with the fact that even with a Systema you have the motor to deal with, but this has been known for years, it is no surprise to anyone. And my Systema cost me 60% of the 416's price.

I will be speaking to Chris about it.
Well that depends how long it has been sitting at customs the last time customs held some airsoft rifles of mine when they released it they broke the metal body as if they were trying to dismantle the upper and lower but instead of sliding it out they pop it like a normal AR and the body was scratch to shit, looked like as if they were using a very strong magnet to test the body to see if it is a RS lower. In any case you should have taken some pictures and contact FCC before you mod it, they have a 3 month end user warranty on their full factory build guns and if there were anything missing in their kits I'm sure they would like to know about it as it could be just CBSA tinkering with it and what is with the sights you mentioned? The full gun and kits don't come with HK sights.
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