Thread: Cadpat
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Old April 29th, 2013, 12:44   #12
Silverback93's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Conception Bay South, NL
Originally Posted by Creoden View Post
Sorry for the bump, but does anyone know where real surplus CADPAT can be purchased? I've contacted a couple surplus shops around the GTA and get "surplus CADPAT isn't available"

as Eeyore said they are able to be purchased, just trying to find out where...
It's illegal to sell and own any real CADPAT, whether it be uniforms, tac vest, or any other kit. There is no such thing as surplus CADPAT, if a store has the real deal, they aren't supposed to as all capat is shredded and burned once it's returned back to stores on base if it's unsuitable for reissue.

Read the "People who want CF kit (non-surplus)" thread that is at the top of the page.

Seriously though, you can live without the real deal, it's annoying when people want the real stuff because there is an extreme shortage of kit in the CF as it is right now...I can't even get a pair of pants that fits me.
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