Originally Posted by Mordarski J.A.
Or, worse yet, there's 5-10 guys milling around and maybe only one is armed - but you don't know which one. Welcome to the life of the Secret Service LOL. That would definitely be an interesting scenario to go through.
A few friends of mine and I had a scenario we ran some years back, basically it was "cops and robbers". Cops had multiple magazines and could reload in the field, but were limited to a single pistol. Cops also had to identify their target as a thread (having a weapon) before they could actually engage. Robbers were limited to one magazine, but could use whatever weapon they wanted (excluding a pistol) and could shoot at whatever they wanted. It was a lot of fun!
We did that too...the most aggressive protestors weren't armed, but the quiet guy off to the side was the shooter. Fun stuff.