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Old April 9th, 2013, 14:21   #13
Ninja_En_Short's Avatar
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Location: France, Canada (Montréal)
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Already saw the AVS but I'm not a fan of that LEGO design. It's supposed to make things more customizable but the more I see them the more I feel every useful parts come as really pricey DLCs.
Plus the padding looks really anorexic.

For the ammo I actually put almost all of it on my belt already and only have one mag per pouch on the front just so I'm not getting uncomfortable when lying down (and I do that a lot) but some people put ammo on the side and I try to have something that fits most without having to play Megablocks with dozens of Playmobile parts.
Also I'm a DMR, the full auto on my 417 never saw the selector over him
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

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