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Old April 8th, 2013, 02:33   #31
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
$2000.00 is good price wise because of what you get, and I concur that it's well worth it. I imagine they'll come down more in the next few years because of companies like FCC.

I'm with Brad on the pros and cons, but eventually FCC should be better all around. They should focus on places Systema flopped, or where mediocre first. Mastering that is what guys like MacGuyver and myself have been waiting for. Its too bad you didn't get to come down to Calgary Mac, I'd have loved to see you pick FCC's brain. I have my own opinions and experiences as being a long time Systema owner, heavy heavy user, and doctor; but I still defer to Mac as the foremost expert.
The cost of the new FTW is priced very competitively when compared to a similarly equiped PTW, the prototype minus the ambi selector will be available for review, which will be posted here as soon as its finished, from what I've seen the color is not as fine as the finished products but the guts and internals are great. initial firing test is great just waiting for the prototype to arrive to complete some field testing before the final QC is finished and products is launched. FCC Valued their customer opinions and comments whether its bad or good, they actually encourage their customer to give them the opinions and comments, for FCC the comments and end user feedback is very important to help them further improve their products.

Last edited by wildcard; April 8th, 2013 at 02:38..
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