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Old April 4th, 2013, 10:45   #1
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[WIP] Building a new armor chassis

Hello folks,

A small thread because, as a couple of people here know, the OPS Modular Plate Carrier I've been using for live fire exercises is starting to fall apart after several years of good and loyal services, especially after a jackass forgot to do a chamber check before releasing the hammer and took out half my top left strap.

So I decided to not just buy a new one but actually make one to go with my new camo pattern, that is to say Kryptek Highlander.

To make this new armor chassis, if you're not familiar with the concept it's basically a plate carrier where the plates pouches are not in direct contact with the body but rather resting on a padded area to decrease trauma in case of hit and leave spaces for air to flow and limit perspiration, I'm basing myself on my fallen OPS and the Crye Cage Armor.

Original OPS Modular Plate Carrier :

I've added a few features to the design like side plate pockets integrated to cummerband, full molle on the shoulder straps, buckles for shoulder armor and padding held by velcro rather than behind part of the chassis (so you could change thickness or if damaged/dirty).
I'm also thinking of rotating the molle on the side panels 90° but I'd like to know if you people have things you'd like in a chassis.

As of now I've only just started sewing the front pocket with regular BDU fabric for testing shapes and assembly so you can go wild. If there are many people interested I may do an Indiegogo campaign or sell the ones I'll make out of excess fabric (Kryptek is only selling rolls of 10 yards).
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !

Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)

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