Originally Posted by theshaneler
the WG revolvers are less than gameable IMO, but that's exactly what makes it bad ass. getting a kill with a 6 shooter that takes longer to reload than to empty is the most satisfying thing ever!
Especially when you take the time to write the persons initials with a fine point marker on a BB.
Originally Posted by theshaneler
also... man i missed you T7, first post i have read from you in a long while AND you made a bloody vagina joke. ASC hasn't been the same without you, the inappropriate jokes have been lacking in your absence 
Thank you kindly. I have been well received by you and others since my return. My current goal is to get caught on all available information so that I may continue to assist with questions and answers as required. While I may not be around as often, I will continue to contribute where I can casually and at my best availability.