Thread: Favorite Vest?
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Old April 1st, 2013, 15:43   #32
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Originally Posted by JLiang View Post
Meh. As an owner of a Vietnam Era CPLA SKS Chest Rig, I can say that even though it's awesome just because it's PLA Surplus, it's not that 'modifiable'.

Static pouches, barely any adjustment in the straps, not to mention an unconventional and, frankly, quite uncomfortable way of wearing it don't really make it a very good vest to begin with. The fabric is really sturdy, but with bamboo buttons and needing to tie two straps behind your back to put it on, I can't see it being practical in a modern field.

The other two are decce, but more modern stuff is better, IMHO.
All depends on what kind of kit you want to sport For a old highspeed, low drag chest rig, nothing beats a chicom. And the M83 was revolutionary for its time, and is still used all around the world!

Last edited by redmond; April 1st, 2013 at 15:46..
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