Originally Posted by redzaku
not even...
as a child, you never have played with the toy box with holes that matching shapes, have you?
I'm obviously not that stupid, I do know that only the matching shapes and sizes will fit...
I've seen that people on forums for the real AR-15 have said that the Magpul MOE handguards will fit on the triangular handguard caps, and a few sites I've seen selling the PTS version also claim that (from one website: "Upper receivers equipped with Delta Ring Assembly and Round Triangular Handguard Cap").
After seeing the eHobby Asia instructional video, I just want to make sure if anyone's ever had experience with the PTS handguards and triangular caps, and whether or not eHobby Asia was just simply advertising the circular caps. It would be a lot cheaper for me to get the airsoft PTS version than the "real steel" version, and I don't want to spend ~$60 and have it not fit when I receive it.