Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING
The g18 nozzle is smaller and thinner than the g17 that's why they break.
The nozzle design is different, not thinner, the nozzle return spring has a detent pin that is too long which causes the G18C to eat nozzles for breakfast. Mod the detent pin and you won't have this problem. This same design flaw is found in the TM G18c as well.
I have not tried the WE G17, but my TM G17 was plagued with problems once I started modding it to high heaven (added a metal slide, hammer spring, recoil spring, flute valve). Now I don't even bother with it. If I had kept it stock it would probably still be working.
I can tell you that WE has definitely stepped up QC. I have been running a WE G18c for a couple weeks right now, and it performs really well (after modding that detent pin of course). Their XDM line has really impressed me, and their M9 series has a very quick and crisp blowback compared to the KJW line.
Choosing a WE G17 is not a bad decision if you're truly after a Glock with a metal slide. TM Glocks really are for the connoisseurs nowadays.
And if it's function versus form, you may want to check out the KWA ATP.