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Old March 25th, 2013, 13:50   #39
Kos-Mos's Avatar
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Location: Lévis (QC)
Originally Posted by XZIVR View Post
Yes, combine both of the leads. I don't think Kos-Mos is looking at the battery very hard. This is a reciever battery, which has TWO SETS of discharge leads. Typical thing to see on a reciever pack. Yes, both sets of discharge leads are soldered to the same place and yes by replacing the wiring, you are effectively combining them.

Here's a quick sketch of how the battery is wired inside. There's no way to wire it to get 14.8v unless you desoldered all the cells and stacked them in series.

Ugh. Let me try to take you through the math. Each cell is 1500mah. There are four cells. Take two cells and put them in parallel and you have 1s2p. Put that group of cells in series with a second group and you have 2s2p. With me so far?

Hope so. Now, if one cell has 1500mah and a 20C discharge rate, 1.5 amps x 20 = 30 amps. So each cell can pass current at 30 amps. Now let's put that beside another cell (ie in parallel). Now you have two cells that can each drop 30 amps. What's 30 + 30? 60? Correct. The two cells together can drop 60 amps. Now let's look at the battery as a whole, it's 3000mah 20c what's 3 amps x 20? 60? The same? holy fuck I think we're on to something!

I think you understand the general idea but the part you keep forgetting is that each cell is NOT 3000 mah, it's 1500mah. The two cells TOGETHER add up to 3000. That's WHY you make a pack like this. If each cell were 3000mah 10c as you seem to think, then they would be advertising the battery as 6000mah, not 3000. Understand now?
Yeah, had my math mixed up a bit.
However, that pack is still not suited for anything over 10A.
Read the reviews and forums about them. The Turnigy Nanotech are great!, however not when in 2p setups. They not only use smaller cells, but cheaper apparently (similar to their B-Grade series).

I have bought a LOT of LiPos from Hobbyking, around 50-60 as of now.
The packs that are parallel wired are known to be over-rated. I had two bloat on me (receiver packs that is), and one explode.

Their "main" batteries are really good though. Won't last 200-300 cycles, but they are cheap and deliver while they are fresh. That is the packs that use Xs1p setups.

Most receiver pack I bought have a diode and short circuit protection on the "Discharge" leads, to prevent failure in case of a faulty servo. If it is the case with theses packs, it means that connecting both leads will trigger the circuit and might just blow the pack. Unless you remove the shrink to make the changes, I would advise against jumping both leads.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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