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Old March 21st, 2013, 18:28   #886
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Calgary, AB
What are some guns I'd like to see converted to airsoft?

Colt .38 Detective Special:
This would make a great ankle gun! Historically, it was underpowered and puny. But what a history it has! The pistol made famous by the Prohibition, seen in plenty of gangster flicks, and helped popularize the phrase 'New York Reload' (or in other words... just take more pistols with ya!).

Lee Enfield SMLE: Yes, I know there's one in existence. I just don't want to give up a firstborn child or an external organ to get it. What WWII enthusiast wouldn't want an affordable Lee Enfield?

Webley Revolver: Again, not enough Brit replicas available, and the Webley is cool!

Ruger Mini 14: The gun from the old A-Team TV series. Extra awesome if it's chromed!
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