Thread: support weapon
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Old March 19th, 2013, 15:55   #9
yan101's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: monteal
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
You want an M56A2 or M59B Smart Gun....not an RPK

Don't sweat the really high ROF'll just break/wear stuff out. Narrow down more (in reality terms) what model you want. 249/M60/M46/Stoner/RPK/L85something/etc...
yea ! or a mingun!

Yan, since you're in the Montreal area another factor to consider is do you have any interest in/plan on attending stuff like Vietnam and/or WW2 games (mostly around Quebec City but still)? Cuz then you'd be looking at some very specific models if you want to use them at those games.

Or for example, an M60VN can be used both at a Vietnam game and a more modern themed game, in addition to general games/skirmishes.
I plan on, mostly, plays syfy and post-apo game.
I don't have the gear to plays a historically accurate game of WW2 or vietnam (for the momment anyways)
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