i bought my 3200 2 years ago and have used it almost every weekend *save for winter* and its still going strong.
while at Operation mason relic 4 there were 3-4 3200s at the chrono station..out of all 4 chronos mine was chronoing the highest fps's. by which i mean if you took ANY gun that was extremly consistant it would should upto 8fps higher on my chrono vs the lowest reading one. so i may have red tagged some people on my chrono if they hit 422 and may have actually been shooting under the 420 field limit. however we still are uncertain if my chrono is chronoing high/exact/low.
some tips we've learnt from my chrono
1. its easier to chrono a assault rifle if there is no silencer on in
2. if you don't have a tripod use 2 people...twice the eyes the better chance to not get tout
3. if you fire and get no tout and no reading it was a dryfire OR a peice of bb is stuck on your optics
4. if your pistol doesn't wanna read corrently or if it gives weird readings fire from further away *eg upto 6 inches as the gases may affect your readings
5. do not have your chrono parrallel with the sun. if due to safety reasons you must get as much shade as possible over both ends of the chrono
if anyone else has any tips or disagrees feel free to post