Shooter, Are You Ready? Standby... Welcome to this new sub-forum on Competitive and Practical Shooting!
Welcome to this new sub-forum on Competitive and Practical Shooting!
As ASC is the home forum for the Canadian Practical Airsoft Shooting (C.A.P.S.) organization, and with increasing interest and discussion in the sport, we've found it to be beneficial to the community to finally create a forum on this distinct airsoft shooting sport.
Feel free to use this forum to discuss anything related to competitive and practical shooting disciplines, regardless of the organization rule sets. EVERYTHING related to competitive shooting sports is open for discussion here!
Talk about organization rules (IPSC, IDPA, USPSA, Action Air, etc), equipment (belts, holsters), guns (pistols, rifles, shotguns), upgrades, etc!
Have fun, and enjoy!
Last edited by ILLusion; March 9th, 2013 at 12:33..