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Old March 8th, 2013, 09:42   #1
yan101's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: monteal
best ''investment'' for my g36

I have a TM g36c, got it used (did'nt spend much)

Right now it is almost stock (couple of replacement but no up-grad)
I am playing mostly field.
The fps is low (last game 256fps with .25bb), brand new m90 spring.
I just re-seal cylinder head (didn't check fps now, but don't expect big raise)

I tried a m110 but the motor/gears didn't like it.

so I a wondering what is the best up-grad for this gun. It's probably gone a end-up as my secondary within the year so I don't want to do a ''full rebuild''.

I was thinking tigh inner barrel, but would I need a new hop-up with that?

If the new barrel is too long (only need 247 mm with g36), is it better too cut the barrel or add silencer to hide the exces?

Would the increase performance would be noticable since it is a low fps gun playing outside?
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