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Old March 7th, 2013, 14:43   #23
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Good luck with trying to standardize things. I think that this is one of the big reasons people join teams because they want structure and competent people to play with. I think it would be impossible and not even viable to try and impose some sort of training for people to come certain games etc. When I hear this all I can think is "money grab."

I'm sure if you went to every team and looked at their SOP's etc, they wouldn't be the same. I think this is really cool because teams use what works for them and build on it.

More and more teams are forming. More and more people are realizing that if they are serious about playing and want structure, they will take a look at recognized teams in the community such as Ghosts, Force Recon, Danger Close and the list goes on.

Playing against better teams makes for better games. I don't think anyone want's to go to a game and completely mow down their opponent. As much fun as it is, I would much rather play against teams of the same caliber so we can learn.

I think that there are people heading in the right direction seeking out teams to learn more and become better. You will never have everyone be able to do this simply because of things such as lack of time to dedicate yourself, money among other things.
Bean - "Charlie is a sexual T-Rex"
Originally Posted by Felonies View Post
Do you really think all 322 spots will sell out in a single day
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