I am in the market for a holster for my stock TM G17. I want to keep it well protected, and have it very secure, but I only have 100$ for the total cost. I will be mounting the holster on a molle battle belt.
After alot of research, I have narrowed my choices down to three possibilities.
This is where you guy's come in. This will be my first holster, so I really do not know how my three options compare. I would appreciate if you could offer your opinions.
1. Blackhawk SERPA.
- a legitimate holster. Pretty much guarenteed to work well. My pistol may not fit well though due to the stock slide. I do have plans for a PGC slide down the road.
The whole "Accidental Discharge" scandal doesn't bother me too much, good practice will prevent this.
The part that does bother me is that some have said that dirt and rocks can work their way into the release, jamming the mechanism. For me, this is unlikely though, as I am currently only playing indoors.
I would need to buy one of these:
2. A replica 6004
Apparently the same material as the original, should work well. Is more expensive than the SERPA. I'm not sure how well that strap would secure my gun.
This review does rate it well:
http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthr...iew+Huang+6004 although it is several years old.
Does anyone else have any experience with this replica?
How do these compare to the original safariland holsters?
In order to mount it to molle, I would need to rig something up like this:
3. Order Kydex and make it myself
I could order a decent amount of kydex, the required foam sheets, and all the hardware needed to mount it for around 100$. I could then make several holsters, and experiment with mimicking the 6004 design/ making some hybrids.
Obviously, my craftsmanship will ultimately determine how well protected my pistol is. As a pretty handy person, I'm not too concerned about this.
On a more general note, how well do Kydex holsters retain and protect the pistols?
Out of these three options, which do you think would serve me the best?
I want the most secure and protective option, so I don't lose/ damage my pistol.
Thanks for your help