I'm not ex-military or 1337 commando but I've been slowly training and working with my team to become more precise and deliberate in our movements. There are plenty of online field manuals to get info from, and after that its a matter of practice practice and more practice. A great deal can be accomplished with as few as 4-5 dedicated players.
Seeing the results on the field has definitely been encouraging and to me and my team makes the games regardless of how complex they are a LOT more fun. To promote "team" play on the field is easy enough to do, simply grab a couple extra folks who are willing to listen and go have some fun.
Once they see what can be achieved they generally don't want to go back to the "lone wolf" thing.
The only thing that kinda annoys me about the way some "teams" play is that the odd group will show up to a game, ignore the objectives, and run around mowing down the OPFOR with no consideration of the overall goals in an attempt to show how bada$$ they are. Very frustrating.